
ADEI Development Opportunities


Registration Form

所有工作坊的参加者最多为30人. All other interested parties will be notified when maximum capacity has been reached. 

我们继续对这种程度的支持表示感谢, CC社区对进一步开展ADEI工作的热情和兴趣. 虽然这个系列还有空缺, 请知道这只是您的团队参与ADEI工作的众多方式之一. For additional resources click here: ADEI主管能力建设指南.

Facilitated by Rosalie Rodriguez
October 11, 2023, 3 pm - 5 pm.

In this interactive workshop, we will take an intersectional dive into Peggy McIntosh's seminal work "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" exploring white privilege. 使用这个框架,我们将查看我们所有的身份(种族), gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) and understand the ways in which we can simultaneously hold power and experience oppression in various spaces. We will also explore terminology that has become popularized in recent years around power and privilege, such as white or masculine fragility, denial, 保持沉默并评估它们对我们与社区互动的影响.

Facilitated by Ersaleen Hope
November 2, 2023, 9 am - 12 pm.

This workshop is designed to increase participants’ understanding/awareness of implicit/explicit bias and its impacts on our practices, actions, 以及工作场所内外的态度. This workshop aims to enhance self-reflection and critical thinking through an interactive human-centered experience. Participants will immerse themselves in techniques and strategies that help interrupt patterns of behavior that do not align with institutional values and develop knowledge and skills that advance equity and belonging.

Facilitated by Peony Fhagen
December 6, 2023, 3 pm - 5 pm.

This workshop centers on understanding what microaggressions are and their psychological impact, recognizing when microaggressions occur, 当一个旁观者发生微攻击行为时进行干预. 我们还将回顾一个新的概念,叫做“微肯定”. Along with defining this behavior, we will practice various ways to engage microaffirmations with colleagues and students and discuss how they foster a positive campus community.

Facilitated by Ersaleen Hope & Rosalie Rodriguez
February 6, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.

What is Antiracism? How is AR different than DEI? 反种族主义是积极反对种族主义的做法. In this interactive workshop, 我们将探讨反种族主义的基本原则, build your skills, and self-efficacy to identify opportunities to challenge systems and attitudes that perpetuate oppression. Participants will gain an understanding of why CC made a commitment to antiracism and where they too can make a conscious commitment to eradicate racism and inequities wherever they may exist including in ourselves.

Facilitated by Rosalie Rodriguez
February 27, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.

In this interactive workshop, 与会者将学习如何驾驭评估反种族主义的两个框架, diversity, equity and inclusion (ADEI); one personal and one institutional. Each framework will provide tangible examples of resistance, stagnation, progress and transformation. Participants will be asked to identify where they/their institution are/is on their journey and identify opportunities for new skills or topics to learn, where to learn that information, 以及如何超越他们目前的能力.

Facilitated by Peony Fhagen
March 4, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.

In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to consider more closely their cultural identity development using theoretical models and self-report surveys. 我们还将讨论你的文化认同态度如何塑造你的行为, 影响你的人际交往, and guide your life choices. Finally, we will have an opportunity to talk about cultural identity development change and growth in adulthood.

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Antiracist Book Club

Registration Form 2023-2024 please 取货前请填写此登记表.


ADEI Stewardship Certificate

由ADEI领导团队监督,并由学院院长签署, the ADEI Stewardship Certificate celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

How Do I Earn a Certificate? 

Throughout the school year, a series of events that are designated as ADEI Stewardship eligible will be presented.  这些活动包括但不限于拆解仇恨系列, The Antiracist Book Club, Butler Center Workshops, Crown Center Development and others. 只需在这些活动中的任何六个指定活动中登录即可获得铜级. Reach the Silver 参加12个活动达到等级,参加18个活动达到黄金等级.

Bronze: Attend 6 events 
Silver: Attend 12 events 
Gold: Attend 18 events 

Annual Recertification – ongoing stewardship through co-facilitation of an ADEI-related event, ongoing mentorship, and championing of ADEI. 

This certificate is not a check-box. Once you have reached Gold the goal is to pay it forward and to continually invest in your understanding through certification. The ADEI leadership team is always looking for ADEI champions that can help orient new staff, support continuous programming, 参与社区社会责任, 并在CC社区提供持续的指导.   


任何以反种族主义为中心的活动, diversity, equity, 都有资格被指定为管理人员. 如果你觉得你的活动支持了学院的反种族主义承诺,请 submit your event 至少在活动前三周. All events must include attendance monitoring and evaluations are highly suggested to ensure feedback and quality of programming. If your event meets the requirements as indicated above you will receive confirmation within 1 week from the ADEI leadership team and your event will be listed on our webpage as well.  

Annual Certification 

反压迫教育是你生活和目标的中心吗? 您是否已经获得了黄金证书,但想保持它的新鲜感? You can certify your Stewardship each year after you have earned your Gold certificate by attending, facilitating, 或教学2个证书合格项目, courses, 1年内完成以下任何一项活动:  

  • 共同推动及/或策划与adei有关的活动 
  • 成为ADEI相关项目的导师或同伴教育者(MAP/Riley Scholars), Instructional Coaching Program, 管家中心同伴教育者/桥梁同伴导师/桥梁教师导师, etc) 
  • Studying Abroad 
  • 教授一门权力与特权指定课程 
  • 参加或出席以ADEI为重点的会议


Antiracist Community of Action (ACA)

Registration Form

*每个ACA最多可容纳30名参加者. All other interested parties will be notified when maximum capacity has been reached for each session.*

反种族主义行动共同体(ACA)是一个合作性组织, judgment-free environment where interested parties can come together with a common purpose to develop awareness, gain knowledge, 并通过指导练习和发现建立信心. The ACA will use exercises, activities, 并与同行进行丰富的对话,以刺激成长和批判性思维. The ACA will operate using a shared and inclusive facilitation structure so that no one person is considered the “leader.“这种非等级结构增加了心理安全感, 欢迎各方感兴趣的ADEI主题, and allows for constructive feedback and perspective that helps to build capacity while offering pragmatic application of ADEI principles and strategies.

ACAs每月在周二举行,时间为3:30-5:00,任何人都可以开放, curious, 并且对学习和实践反种族主义者意味着什么很感兴趣. 

*顺序出席不是必须的. Each ACA is designed to focus on a new topic so that new parties or those who may not have participated regularly will not feel lost. 学习的收获和成长发生在每个人的经历中, 允许适应性参与和社区联系.


Antiracist Community Engagement Grant

​The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. There are many programs, activities, and events that embody antiracism, diversity, equity, 和包容(ADEI),这是专业发展的价值. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, attending, or creating ADEI programming.   

​The process is simple. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & bold action, thriving communities, student, transformations, 并提升CC的形象)-使用反种族主义的镜头, promoting mental wellness, and making things sustainable. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.   

这笔拨款将持续到所有资金用完为止, 届时,我们将通知校园申请受理期结束. 我们的目标是使ACE补助金成为员工的年度机会, faculty, 学生们都喜欢参与并保持参与, 在资金允许的情况下,继续履行我们的承诺.  


LACRELA Equity Connect Portal

教职员工可以通过LACRELA获得一些资源 (文理学院种族平等领导联盟) Equity Connect Portal that include access to professional learning (formerly eConvenings), Equity Connect, NACCC survey, 有关反种族主义的资源和每月虚拟学习课程, 多样性和公平性由南加州大学中心提供.  

如果您有兴趣加入LACRELA门户网站, 请给ADEI项目协调员Crystal Cravens发电子邮件 ccravens2023@cjxiangjiao.com.

Please be sure to include email, name, title, 赌博正规的十大网站(专业学习(以前的会议)), Equity Connect, NACCC survey or all the above).


Stewardship Program

由ADEI领导团队监督,并由学院院长签署, the ADEI Stewardship Certificate celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

How Do I Earn a Certificate? 

Throughout the school year, a series of events that are designated as ADEI Stewardship eligible will be presented.  这些活动包括但不限于拆解仇恨系列, The Antiracist Book Club, Butler Center Workshops, Crown Center Development and others. 只需在这些活动中的任何六个指定活动中登录即可获得铜级. Reach the Silver 参加12个活动达到等级,参加18个活动达到黄金等级.

Bronze: Attend 6 events 
Silver: Attend 12 events 
Gold: Attend 18 events 

Annual Recertification – ongoing stewardship through co-facilitation of an ADEI-related event, ongoing mentorship, and championing of ADEI. 

This certificate is not a check-box. Once you have reached Gold the goal is to pay it forward and to continually invest in your understanding through certification. The ADEI leadership team is always looking for ADEI champions that can help orient new staff, support continuous programming, 参与社区社会责任, 并在CC社区提供持续的指导.   


任何以反种族主义为中心的活动, diversity, equity, 都有资格被指定为管理人员. 如果你觉得你的活动支持了学院的反种族主义承诺,请 submit your event 至少在活动前三周. All events must include attendance monitoring and evaluations are highly suggested to ensure feedback and quality of programming. If your event meets the requirements as indicated above you will receive confirmation within 1 week from the ADEI leadership team and your event will be listed on our webpage as well.  

Annual Certification 

反压迫教育是你生活和目标的中心吗? 您是否已经获得了黄金证书,但想保持它的新鲜感? You can certify your Stewardship each year after you have earned your Gold certificate by attending, facilitating, 或教学2个证书合格项目, courses, 1年内完成以下任何一项活动:  

  • 共同推动及/或策划与adei有关的活动 
  • 成为ADEI相关项目的导师或同伴教育者(MAP/Riley Scholars), Instructional Coaching Program, 管家中心同伴教育者/桥梁同伴导师/桥梁教师导师, etc) 
  • Studying Abroad 
  • 教授一门权力与特权指定课程 
  • 参加或出席以ADEI为重点的会议


Antiracist Community of Action (ACA)

Registration Form

*每个ACA最多可容纳30名参加者. All other interested parties will be notified when maximum capacity has been reached for each session.*

反种族主义行动共同体(ACA)是一个合作性组织, judgment-free environment where interested parties can come together with a common purpose to develop awareness, gain knowledge, 并通过指导练习和发现建立信心. The ACA will use exercises, activities, 并与同行进行丰富的对话,以刺激成长和批判性思维. The ACA will operate using a shared and inclusive facilitation structure so that no one person is considered the “leader.“这种非等级结构增加了心理安全感, 欢迎各方感兴趣的ADEI主题, and allows for constructive feedback and perspective that helps to build capacity while offering pragmatic application of ADEI principles and strategies.

ACAs每月在周二举行,时间为3:30-5:00,任何人都可以开放, curious, 并且对学习和实践反种族主义者意味着什么很感兴趣. 

*顺序出席不是必须的. Each ACA is designed to focus on a new topic so that new parties or those who may not have participated regularly will not feel lost. 学习的收获和成长发生在每个人的经历中, 允许适应性参与和社区联系.


Antiracist Community Engagement Grant

​The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. There are many programs, activities, and events that embody antiracism, diversity, equity, 和包容(ADEI),这是专业发展的价值. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, attending, or creating ADEI programming.   

​The process is simple. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & bold action, thriving communities, student, transformations, 并提升CC的形象)-使用反种族主义的镜头, promoting mental wellness, and making things sustainable. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.   

这笔拨款将持续到所有资金用完为止, 届时,我们将通知校园申请受理期结束. 我们的目标是使ACE补助金成为员工的年度机会, faculty, 学生们都喜欢参与并保持参与, 在资金允许的情况下,继续履行我们的承诺.  


LACRELA Equity Connect Portal

教职员工可以通过LACRELA获得一些资源 (文理学院种族平等领导联盟) Equity Connect Portal that include access to professional learning (formerly eConvenings), Equity Connect, NACCC survey, 有关反种族主义的资源和每月虚拟学习课程, 多样性和公平性由南加州大学中心提供.  

如果您有兴趣加入LACRELA门户网站, 请给ADEI项目协调员Crystal Cravens发电子邮件 ccravens2023@cjxiangjiao.com.

Please be sure to include email, name, title, 赌博正规的十大网站(专业学习(以前的会议)), Equity Connect, NACCC survey or all the above).

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/05/2024